I am a fiber artist and I have too many UnFinished Objects (UFO's) So I decided that in 2010 I was going to finish as many of them as I can. I am going to try to finish a project every day!
I am posting the list in this post and a running tab will be on the side bar so you can keep track of my progress. I will finish something everyday and post photos and explanations on the blog.
So here is, I wrote this earlier. It contains the pledge, the goal, exactly how I'm going to do this and what exactly constitutes a finished project. I am counting parts of projects, they are still major parts, mostly because a lot of these things are really huge projects. I make quilts and I do needle art, I have been focusing on applique lately and these things are not like painting your living room. You can't always finish these projects in one or two days. So I've gotten it down to parts that I may be able to finish in one day. But the point is to finish projects. So therefore I'm going to work on a project daily for several days in a row in hopes of getting it finished. I plan to finish at least one major project per week. I have small projects that I can finish easily in one day while I work on larger longer things. But the goal, the one goal that I wish to really accomplish this year, is to get rid of all of the old projects that are weighing me down so I can go on to exploring new things, new techniques and new ideas.
The main obstacle that I have for this year long project is this. I have a job, I am a teacher of craft classes at Interquilten, a quilt shop in Interlochen Michigan. I also work the shop one day a week. I usually spend my extra time off in trying to develop new projects and classes for the shop. I'm also a writer. I write novels that are totally not related to my Blogging activities.
The fact is that there are a lot of reasons why I need to simplify my life and getting rid of old projects is one way to do just that.
So without further ado, here is the "list" that I wrote earlier, the one that will be posted in the side bar of this Blog.
The year of Finishing projects
Pledge: I will finish one thing daily everyday of this year. One block, one whole portion of a project or one whole project. I will start by making a UFO list and then sorting it into things that can get done on a daily basis.
Further I pledge that when I take up a project I will not put it down until I finish it wholly. Then I will blog daily about the project I finished that day.
Further I will Try to finish at least one major project per week. Working exclusively until it’s finished.
Here is the list as it begins:
1. Applique and other Handwork:
2. Christmas Quilt—lots of appliqué and some more blocks that are pieced.
3. Santa and Reindeer
4. Cookie Jar
5. Row Houses
6. Train
7. Pieced Santa
8. Pieced stockings
9. Noah’s Ark
10. Gingerbread garland
11. Memory—pieced block
12. Pieced pine tree
13. Snow family
14. Hole in the barn door, pieced and appliquéd.
15. Holly wreath.
16. finish top.
17. layer
18. quilt bind
19. Lilac Afghan—
20. First of three panels to embroider.
21. Second of three panels
22. Last of three panels
23. put together
24. Karen’s fan quilt—
25. layer
26. hand quilt
27. bind.
28. Tomato Quilt—four dinner plates to be appliquéd and embroidered.
29. --Tomato soup—FINISHED
30. –Spaghetti—FINISHED
31. Salad with Cherry Tomatoes—FINISHED
32. Pizza-
33. Piece top
34. Layer
35. Machine quilt,
36. bind.
37. Four Borders for NW Winds quilt.—
38. One complete.
39. Second of four
40. Third of four
41. Last of four
42. Attach to quilt and appliqué corner motifs.
43. Layer
44. Hand quilt
45. bind
46. Cinderella Appliqué—
47. Finish top
48. add border
49. layer
50. quilt
51. bind
52. Purple Grapevine quilt—
53. Applique all vines, grapes and leaves.
54. Make pieced blocks to finish top
55. Sew top add borders.
56. Layer
57. Machine quilt
58. Bind.
59. Texas Star—
60. hand pieced finish top.
61. layer
62. hand quilt
63. bind
64. Grandmother’s Flower Garden—
65. finish quilting on border.— DEADLINE: January 4, 2010.
66. Tree Calendar quilt blocks—
67. Jan
68. Feb
69. Mar
70. Apr
71. May
72. Jun
73. July
74. Aug
75. Sept
76. Oct
77. Nov
78. Dec
79. Center
80. Second Appliqué Heart Quilt—
81. 4—12” blocks—4 done—FINISHED.
82. 28—8” blocks—0 done.
83. 20—6” blocks—4 done.—one is corner.
84. 44—4” blocks—6 done.—4 corners.
85. Baltimore Album blocks—
86. --Heart block.—FINISHED
87. --Grapevine Block—FINISHED
88. Celtic Block—Nov--FINISHED.
89. Celtic Cross.
90. --Multicolored flower block—Sept.—Finished!
91. Feather Wreath with inlays—Jan.
92. Laurel leaves block—Dec.
93. Folded fabric flowers—March
94. Lyre Wreath—layered figures—April
95. Rusched roses, split leaves, berries and stuffed grapes—July
96. Buildings, with silk ribbon embellishments—May
97. Shaping and shading with oil pastels—June
98. Beaded embellishments—August.
99. Cut work or Hawaiian style block.—Feb.
100. Sues’ Baltimore projects—
101. Crossed Hearts—FINISHED
102. Four feeding birds
103. drooping daisies
104. garden medallion
105. Bowl of tulips
106. My block, Beloved heart, double heart with reverse appliqué
107. leaves and berries
108. unbroken circle
109. Birds at the fountain
110. Home sweet home
111. fruitful pear tree
112. striped flower basket
113. sunflowers and sweet peas
114. Basket of bluebells
115. summer roses
116. Scottish thistle
117. Quilt Tops that need to finished into quilts:
118. Blue and Red Log Cabin—
119. machine quilt
120. bind.
121. Color wheel quilt—
122. hand quilt
123. bind.
124. Rainbow color wash quilt—
125. layer,
126. quilt,
127. bind.
128. Birthday Blocks #2—
129. Border,
130. layer,
131. quilt,
132. bind.
133. Birthday Blocks #3—
134. Border,
135. layer,
136. quilt,
137. bind.
138. Nick’s Quilt—
139. Layer,
140. quilt,
141. bind.
142. Lion’s Quilt—
143. Finish machine quilting,
144. bind.
145. Flying Geese—
146. layer,
147. quilt,
148. bind.
149. Wedding Ring—
150. Mark top,
151. layer,
152. hand quilt,
153. bind.
154. Roswell Quilt—
155. Layer,
156. quilt,
157. bind.
158. Bear Quilt—
159. Machine quilt,
160. bind.
161. Australian Morning Breaking—
162. layer
163. Machine quilt
164. Bind
165. Karen’s Fans—
166. Layer
167. Hand quilt
168. bind
169. Karen’s School house—
170. Layer
171. Machine quilt
172. bind
173. Kristina’s Pinwheels—
174. Layer
175. Machine quilt
176. bind
177. Friendship star—
178. Layer
179. Machine quilt
180. bind
181. Haunted House quilt—
182. piece sashings,
183. Piece top,
184. add borders,
185. layer
186. machine quilt
187. bind.
188. Cat I Spy—
189. Sew rows into top
190. borders.
191. Layer
192. Machine quilt
193. Bind.
194. Firehouse—
195. Make more tree blocks,
196. piece into top using inchie sashings and cobblestones.
197. Add borders
198. Write the essay about the quilt.
199. Layer
200. Machine quilt
201. Bind
202. Write the essay on the backing fabric.
203. Batik Lady of the Lake—
204. Finish blocks,
205. finish top.
206. Add borders
207. Layer
208. Machine quilt
209. bind
210. Hidden Star—
211. Make blocks
212. Sew into top
213. Add borders
214. Layer
215. Machine quilt
216. Bind
217. Central Park—
218. Make blocks.
219. Sew into top
220. Add borders
221. Layer
222. Machine quilt
223. bind
224. Reef Quilt—
225. Fused appliqué.
226. Add borders
227. Layer
228. Machine quilt
229. bind
230. Landscape quilt—
231. Sashings to fit everything together.
232. Top sewn, with borders
233. Layer
234. Machine quilt
235. bind
236. Cats in the moonlight—
237. borders,
238. layer,
239. quilt,
240. bind.
241. Star Roosting Robin—
242. make more blocks.
243. Do rest of final borders
244. Layer
245. Machine quilt
246. bind
247. Knitting and Crocheting:
248. Knitted Socks:
249. Var green
250. White
251. Gold and white Opal
252. Blue and green var.
253. Blue tweed
254. Harry Potter-Ron
255. Copper tones
256. Lots of scraps
257. Aqua & white Prayer Shawl
258. Alpaca hat and mittens
259. Black lacy shawl
260. Green Leafy scarf.
261. Blue sweater.
262. Dozens of Crocheted grocery bags.
263. Red
264. Green
265. Blue
266. Black
267. Orange
268. Red and green
269. Blue and red
270. Multi-on white
271. Etc.
272. White knitted Afghan.
273. Cross stitch, Needlepoint and Hardanger:
274. Needlepoint Bargello
275. Needlepoint pillow from kit blue and brown
276. Meowy Christmas Ornament
277. November Jewelry Bag.
278. Midnight Vigil-cat at window.
279. Green hardanger Table cloth.
280. Swan Serenity Prayer
281. Gnome Growth Chart
282. Night time Santa
283. March Marigolds
284. Gold Hardanger Needle case
285. Trim the tree
286. Cat ornament
287. Lilac Afghan
288. Dad’s workshop Stocking
289. Stitcher’s Studio Stocking
290. Accessories for hardanger table cloth
291. Angel of Love—beaded skirt
292. The Castle
293. Earth Angel
294. Store projects:
295. Bear
296. Finish fused appliqué
297. Border
298. Layer
299. Machine quilt
300. Bind
301. Busted out border quilt—
302. Do blocks lots of triangles
303. Border
304. Fusible appliqué to bust out the border
305. Layer
306. Machine quilt
307. Bind
308. Other store projects.
309. Other creative projects
310. Poppies project—
311. Finish top,
312. layer
313. quilt
314. bind
315. Ann Loveless snow scene—
316. finish top
317. machine quilt
318. bind.
319. Quilt background for inchies—
320. piece top
321. layer
322. machine quilt
323. attach binding and Velcro
324. Boucle scarf or shawl.
325. Elongated crocheted pineapple doily.
326. Wool project
327. Angelina Fiber project.
328. Halloween attic window—
329. piece blocks, keep in order
330. piece top
331. add borders
332. layer
333. machine quilt
334. add ghosty with tulle or sheer fabric
335. embellish with Angelina fibers.
336. bind.
337. Scrapbook quilt—background on wall.
338. Design rest of it.
339. appliqué on it.
340. layer
341. machine quilt
342. embellish it
343. bind.
344. Purple Mended heart quilt—
345. Finish quilting and mending blocks
346. put together quilt
347. bind
348. At least six more Wild Log Cabin bags—
349. blue and multi one nearly finished.
350. Blue and gold with Michigan fabric.
351. One for the March class
352. one for the April class
353. one for the may class
354. one for the June class
355. Pattern for Wild Log cabin Tote.
356. Pattern for plastic bag organizer.
357. One more plastic bag organizer finished.
358. another two plastic bag organizers finished using different colors.
359. Unusual girl—
360. make blocks
361. make sashing and piece top
362. add borders
363. layer
364. quilt
365. bind
366. Leaf scarf out of machine quilting and machine thread binding “leaves”.
So this is my glorious quest! Can I do it? We shall see! There is at least a years worth of work here. Let's see how I do.
Your quester,
Cindy K-K