I spent the summer in Marquette with my mother, making baskets on her front porch. She hated it! It was such a mess! I loved it. I was out there everyday just weaving my little heart out. This is the booth that resulted at the Interlochen Farmer's Market.

A friend in Marquette, Caroline Scott, once she discovered that I loved scrap yarn, put together a full garbage bag of it for me. I was trying to figure out what to make with it when I looked at it again and decided that all of it went together. So I make her an afghan out of it. I think it turned out delicious looking. All these sherberty colors.
This was one of my major applique projects. I was able to finish all the blocks for it before I went to Marquette and get the top done. I love the look of it. So I figured I'd share it here even though it's not quilted yet.
And speaking of not yet quilted, another! This is the perfect pie crust quilt from the latest tinner project. I was inspired to get the top done as usual, but it takes more than inspiration to get it layered and quilted. That takes perspiration!
I seem to be collecting a lot of extra yarn these days. So I'm making Knitted and crocheted afghans, socks, Christmas socks, mittens, hats, and whatever else I can think of just to get rid of it. I'll get out the camera and take some pictures before I give them all away at Christmas time. Oh well, maybe too late for some of those.